Year 7 are currently thinking about their ‘Historical Heroes’. They have been asked to select someone who they think is worthy of the ‘hero’ title, and will present their findings to their English classes in the coming weeks. Collecting evidence and explaining ideas are obviously excellent History skills too! So what does make someone important in History? Having lots of power? Having a new and original idea? Changing the way we think about an important issue? Post your ideas on what you think makes a ‘History Hero’.
I think a historical hero is someone who has made an impact on life today.
Bethany Gregory 7a
It was good when I researchd the historical people.
Ronan Lad 7A
I think what makes a historical hero is not trying to change the world for themselves but for other people. They also do their job because they love it and they use that job to change the world for everybody's benefit.
Alex Dalby 7A
I think a historical hero deserves a title because not of what he/she was but of what he/she did and if they did it for the better good.
I think a Historical Hero is someone who does something important in the world. I think that person has to have determination to achieve their dream and courage to stand up to people.
George Mulheron. 7A.
I think a historical hero is someone who improves something in the world. A historical hero has to have determination to achieve their dream and courage to stand up to people.
George Mulheron. 7A.
I liked this because i liked writing a speech and all the different things to do with historical heroes.
I was quite hard when you had to get up and say your speech, but when you do it, it helps you gain confidence.
it was realy good helped us all in our speaking listening, at first it was quit frightening being infront of the whole cl but now im used to it
it was realy good helped us all in our speaking and listening, at first it was quit frightening being infront of the whole class but now im used to it and it was fun.
Hamza Ishaq
I think a historical hero is some one who deos what he loves to change to world or is someone who was born to do great things for god and for others.I enjoyed this subject very much.
I think that a historical hero doesn't meen to become one as they change the world doing the job they love most. They don't try to change the world for themselves but they do for others. Others that are less fortunate than them.
Alex Dalby
I think that a historical hero doesn't meen to become one as they change the world doing the job they love most. They don't try to change the world for themselves but they do for others. Others that are less fortunate than them.
Alex Dalby
I think a historical hero is someone who does what he loves to change the world.Or was born to do great things for god or for others.He or she could be a mesenger from god.Over all I think he or she could be anyone who helpos other people.
By Vishal 7a
I think they are amazing.
l think the main thing in a historical hero is the popularity and how he said what he said
Well done Year 7, you have some good ideas here I am sure Mrs Brown is very pleased with your ideas.
To me, a historical hero is someone that makes someone change is someway for the better!
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