
Wednesday 13 April 2011

How RE Matters

Year 9 students from Dixons City Academy have been looking at the importance of RE in the modern world. They have thought about the value of religious teachings and how they can help to make the world a better, safer and more caring place to live. Student have then taken their learning forward by planning their own campaign to help those who are suffering in the world today.

Stduents should now reflect on their lesson and explain what they have learnt, how they have learnt and try to answer the question of 'How RE Matters?'


Anonymous said...

Aqeeb 9B

In this unit, I have learnt a lot, it also tells us that the world isn'tfair because they are many poor and rich people in parts of countires. Over the last week we have been watching a video about poverty and it teaches us that we can help. RE Matters, this is by many relgious teachings helping out, such as: Zakat, The 10 commandements and other religious Teachings.

Anonymous said...

Rahima Adam 9b.

In this topic i have learnt alot about suffering and how people suffer in different parts of the world&sometimes localy.
But i have also learnt you can help by giving money to charities to help the less fortunate places.

Anonymous said...

i have learnt that lots of different people suffer which isn't really fair as everyone should be treated the same, I learnt this by watching the video about poverty in Ethiopia. I think that R.E matters because it teaches you about different religions and also about how different people live.
Laura F. 9b

Anonymous said...

Royston 9B

R.E matters because it can help learn how to be a better person by giving money to charity or by treating people the way you would treat yourself. This subject also matters because r.e can help understand why peopele suffer in the world however it can help again with other religions and this is why r.e matters.

Anonymous said...

RE matters because it teaches us more than just the different religions. It teaches us how people are different, how they are similar, who is suffering in the world and who has suffered in the past. RE builds up knowledge to a point where you want to learn about other people and the way others see the world and different situations. I think the most recent topic we did,'the holocaust' was the most effective and really made most people think about how lucky we really are, and what we take for granted.

eleanor cooke 9b

Thyub Ali 9B said...

Thyub Ali 9B
R.E matters alot because it helps unite people together and it show the differences between people for example richer and poorer. It also helps journalists and helpers who want to help others.R.E is a way of life and it coud help your problems.

Anonymous said...

RE is important because it helps you to understand and respect the religions of others. This is important because when you get older you have to work with lots of people with different backgrounds and if you know about their culture you can respect it. RE also helps you to understand the issues the world faces such as Poverty. This will help you appreciate what you have and help others to overcome their suffering.

Tom Kurian 9B

Anonymous said...

RE is important because it helps you to understand and respect the religions of others. This is important because when you get older you have to work with lots of people with different backgrounds and if you know about their culture you can respect it. RE also helps you to understand the issues the world faces such as Poverty. This will help you appreciate what you have and help others to overcome their suffering.

Tom Kurian 9B

Anonymous said...

Hassan Iqbal 9b

RE matters because it is very important to know and understand key ideas in RE such as how people are suffering in the world, why they are and the opinions of different religions and people.

Anonymous said...

Arslan Iqbal
9B :)

In this unit, I've learnt that the world has a lot of up's and down's and we have to adapt to different changes in our lives that effect us and others around us. I've also learnt about how people suffer and why. Also, watching the Ethiopia video helped me to realise that i am very privileged to have and enjoy a good life and that i should think before buying things that i need or want. I have also learnt how to donate money to diffeent charities and how 'live aid' can help chnage people's lives.

Anonymous said...

in this topic i havbe alernt a lot about how R.E matters becasue in some religions it tells you you should help people less fortunate than you also how i gave learnt that the world is not always a fair place and we n eed to help to make the world a better place
-Zain Aftab 9B

Anonymous said...

In this topic I have learnt a lot about why RE matters. An example of how RE matters is how it can help you learn how to be a better person. You could do this by giving money to charity.


Farhan said...

In this topic i have learn't a lot, i have learn't that suffering is still happening in the world today in places like darfur,Ethiopia,Pakistan and palestine etc. And i have learn't alot from the live aid charity performances and a lot about poverty and it shows way in which we can help. R.E Matters because it teaches you how lucky people have it in their lives and how they take things for granted and also because it helps you learn about different religions from different perspectives.

Anonymous said...

RE teaches people that all religions are equal and non are more or less important than the other, by understanding this, people help others that are less fortunate than themselves, most of the time people help out those in need after natural disasters. but others who don't recognize this, are just causing unneeded conflict throughout the world.

Oliver 9B

Anonymous said...

Luke Waddington 9B

In this topic i have learnt that alot of people suffer that we dont know about around the world or locally and we can help them by donating money/clothes.

Anonymous said...

re compares different religions and races and makes you understand the way that the world and the poeople in it are. it also gives you an understanding of why people are different and why people are the same. re matters because it holds all of the innformation about ciertain ways that people live.

by alysha powell

W Davies said...

Excellent answers Year 9. I am really pleased to see that RE has helped you understand some of these important areas and questions you have about life. Well done!