Y10 Geographers are currently investigating Natural Hazards and have been looking at the causes and effects of earthquakes, volcanoes and tropical storms.
Earthquake in the Italian city of L'Aquila
The Italian earthquake took place in a region that sits on a .major fault system. The following clip looks at the geology behind the event: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7986814.stm
Earthquake in the Italian city of L'Aquila
The Italian earthquake took place in a region that sits on a .major fault system. The following clip looks at the geology behind the event: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7986814.stm
Why do people still choose to live in hazardous regions? You may wish to include case studies (from both MEDCs and LEDCs) in your answer – remember to include specific facts and figures!
People might choose to live in dangerous places with volcanoes and earthquakes because they might have friends and family living there with them. If they are farmers then they might choose to live their due to the fact that the land is very fertile there. Some people might think that natural hazards, such as tropical storms, only come once in a while and so they do not need to move. People might have lived in that country for many years and so it might be hard for them to move their entire family to a different country where they would have to start anew. People that live in MEDCs might believe that they are advanced in predicting a hazard or they might believe that they have enough precaution to survive the earthquake, volcanoes eruption or tropical storm.
Seher Mahmood 10y
People still choose to live in hazardous areas for many reasons to do with family and also money issues.
People that live in LEDC’s still choose to live there even though it is hazardous because all there family live in that village and they wouldn’t want to leave them all behind. And a lot of people living in poorer countries are farmers and wouldn’t want to leave their land behind. And even if the people wanted to leave they couldn’t because they don’t have enough money. But one of the main reasons is people just hope for the best because the natural hazards don’t happen often so they just hope they will be ok.
People that live in MEDC’s never want to move from the place they live even if it is hazardous because their families also live in the same area and they wouldn’t want to leave them behind also they have a nice house and good job so why would they want to leave them behind. And in MEDC’s people usually have good insurance so they would be insured if anything was to happen to their houses. And usually the houses in MEDC’s are well built so they can with stand the natural hazards.
Katie Gawthorp 10c
Why do people still choose to live in hazardous regions? You may wish to include case studies (from both MEDCs and LEDCs) in your answer – remember to include specific facts and figures!
There are a number of reasons why people still live in hazardous areas whether they're in an MEDC or in LEDC. People live in hazardous areas of an LEDC's because they have no other choice, they may have a job there and there is fertile soil around most hazardous areas which means there good for farming and they may not have anough money to move away. People live in hazardous areas of MEDC's because they have settled down there and have friends and family there
People still live in hazardous areas in MEDC’s and LEDC’s; they both stay there for different reason.
Some people still live in hazardous areas in LEDC’s because they are poor. They won’t have enough money to leave the area. Another reason is that their livelihood is there; therefore they cannot leave in case they can’t get enough work to wherever they are going. Another reason is that they have all their family in that one place and do not want to leave them. Finally they may not leave because they think that their hazard doesn’t happen that often so they don’t feel that they should leave.
Some people still live in hazardous areas in MEDC’s because they feel that their house is strong enough to withstand the hazard. Another reason is that they have got good enough insurance on their house so they feel that they will be fine when a hazard approaches. Also their family might live in the same area and they don’t want to leave them. Finally they think that they have good jobs and a good house therefore they don’t need to leave. Another reason is that if their area does get affected then it won’t take long for everything to be rebuilt again because they have the money to pay for it and also that their government will help. Alice Ahir :)
There are various reasons on why people are still living in the hazardous areas, here are a few examples for the people who live in the MEDC, they would not move because they might have a high income and they might have perfect land around them. Also the land might be perfect for them seen as they would have the expense to update their house, making it more safe or maybe they have moevd to a certain location where they would be less effected.
for the LEDC, they have no choice because they wouldnt have the money to move anywhere else. Tehy would have perfect land seen as they are most likeley to be living in a hazardous area so this would be good for them. the land would be fertile which is good for farming.
People in an LEDC country continue to live in a hazardous place because they might not have enough money to move anywhere else, they might also think that earthquakes won’t happen often so they would be ok to still live there. Also their jobs and family would be in that country so they can't afford to leave them. Aswell as these reasons, hazardous places attract tourists so this brings in a lot of money and also the land and resources around volcanoes is very good for making things.
In a MEDC country people would choose to live in a hazardous place because all their family and friends are there. Their houses are built well so they can handle so much of an earthquake but if the houses get damaged they have good insurance to cover the damage. They would also be settled and they would probably have a good job there.
Sidra Zia
Some people choose to live in areas of hazardous regions for a variety of different reason. These reasons are different for MEDC's and LEDC's. For MEDC's, an air of defiance is one of the main reasons for staying. As people in MEDCs have money to spend, their houses are built of a strong quality, and so they believe that they will be safe if a natural disaster happens. For exampl,e people in flordia still live in florida as they have well built houses- that can withstand tropical storms. They also have insurance, meaning that if any buildings were destroyed, they would be able to rebuild them. Also, in an MEDC, peope live their for personal reasons. If someone has live their all their life, then they would choose to carry on living their, as they would have liked the scenery.
This is similar in an MEDC. They have probably lived in that area for all their life and so, all their family would be there, so they would not want to move, even if they had the money to do so. Also, in an MEDC, They have no money to move, so they cannot move, meaning that they have to risk it.
People might choose to live in dangerous places with volcanoes and earthquakes because they might have friends and family living there with them. If they are farmers then they might choose to live their due to the fact that the land is very fertile there. Some people might think that natural hazards, such as tropical storms, only come once in a while and so they do not need to move. People might have lived in that country for many years and so it might be hard for them to move their entire family to a different country where they would have to start anew. People that live in MEDCs might believe that they are advanced in predicting a hazard or they might believe that they have enough precaution to survive the earthquake, volcanoes eruption or tropical storm.
Seher Mahmood
People still live in hazardous areas in both MEDC’s and LEDC’s for different reasons.
People living in MEDC’s have the option to move to less hazardous areas but they don’t because they have houses which can withstand all weather conditions and natural hazards like earthquakes and volcano eruptions they may also still live there because they have money and insurance to pay for damage, they have good jobs and family and friends which live there so they have everything to live for,
Some people also live there because the land is fertile so they can get in a lot of farming and earn a living from that or in general don’t want to move.
People in LEDC’s still live there because basically even if they wanted to move they couldn’t because they don’t have enough money to move. Their livelihood might be there and like MEDC’s there will be fertile land near hazardous areas. All their family may live there and they live in doubt thinking that natural hazards don’t always occur near there area and maybe hope they don’t because they wont have the money to rebuild their lives.
trisha parsotam 10x
People still choose to live in hazardous regions in LEDC because they think that cyclones don’t happen very often and that they will be ok. Also some of the residents may have land they own there to grow there crops on and they don’t wont to leave there land. People may not have enough money to leave where they live and to get a place somewhere else that is going to be a lot safer. Family and friends are living there and they may not want to move without them.
People still choose to live in hazardous regions in MEDC because they may have a all there friends and family living there with them, they live in a rich country so they have good insurance and nice houses to stay in. The houses are well built unlike in LEDC countries and also the people living in the MEDC countries will think it is ok because there house is protected if there is a hurricane heading there way and there are hurricane proof buildings built. Even if a hurricane did take place it would be cleaned up within a few months unlike in LEDC countries where it may take several years for the area to return to normal.
Anjali Patel 10Y
There are many reasons why people choose to live in hazardous regions, people live in hazardous areas because they might enjoy it there and have friends & family which live there. Some people in LEDC's may not be able to move if they dont have enough money to travel. Also in hazardous regions there is a lot of fertile soil, so for farmers this would be good to grow crops on.
in MEDC's they have an option of moving to a another city or country but they would be leaving behind their friends house. other reasons why they would say would be that they have insurance for most things, so if they get injured they have got insurance for it.
There are many reasons that people deide to live in areas which are hazardous in MEDC's and LEDC's. Many people have their own reasons why they prefer to live near because people who cannot afford to move have no choice but to stay in the surroung area and hope for the best. They also dont move because family and friends live there in both MEDC's and LEDC's but one advantage that MEDC's have is that they have insurance which covers the house and they get payed for it. They also feel that there house is new and can survive winds so they feel comforted by living there. Living near places such as a volcano would be good for a farmer because the land is fertile and would be good for crops
Many people still chose to live in areas where earthquakes, volcanoes and tropical storms take place.
The areas surrounding volacones have fertile soil, which is brillant for famers to grow their crops on, so many peple live near volcanoes.
In LEDC's people just don't have enough money to leave even if they wanted to. Also all their family may live in that area so many wont leave them behind. Many people are farmers and can't leave their land. Also because many of the peple who love their base it on luck, that the natural hazard will not kill them.
In MEDC's many poeple dont leave becuase all their family live their. Also because the house are better built, so they think nothing will happen to them. People don't leave becasue they have good jobs and good houses so they stay their. Also because many of the people have insurance and think that if anything does happen they will be alright.
people stay in a natural hazard areas even though Cyclone One Bravo killed 111 poeple and injured 7000, in 1997 when it hit Bangladesh. Hurricane Floyd killed 79 people and 4 million poeple wereleft homeless in 1999 when it hit Southeast USA. The Erruption of Mount Nyriagongo in 2002 left 500,000 people homeless in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980 killed 57 people and everything within a 17 mile radius was wiped out in North America. The west Turkey earthquake in 1999 killed 14,000 people and 200,000 were left homeless. The Kobe earthqwauke in 1995 killed 5,000 people and 30,000 people were left homeless in Japan.
i think that nobody should be allowed to stay in a natural hazard region in order to save lifes.
Rebekah Broady 10A
People still choose to live in hazardous regions even though they could cause destruction. For example in West Turkey an earthquake occurred during the year of 1999. The destruction was on Richter Scale 7.4 and it caused chaos. More than 200,000 people were homeless and 14,000 died. This is because West Turkey is an LEDC and they had no predictions or precautions. Now people still choose to live there because $1 billion does come from international aid, they have no money to go elsewhere and because they cannot leave their land because it is their only property. Also their family and friends live there and natural disasters do not occur often. Also, people still choose to live in MEDCs. For example the Kobe earthquake in Japan which caused more than 5,000 deaths and left 30,000 people homeless. They has the money to deal with these damages as it cost £100 billion but they still has the money to pay for it. On the Richter scale the Kobe earthquake was 7.2 and people lived there because money was available from the government, there were predictions and precautions, friends and families are located there and rubble can be cleared up quickly. There is less damage caused because houses are earthquake proof.
Tehreem Saleh 10W
Some people choose to live in hazardos regions. If they live in a LEDC, it can be that they dont actually earn enough money to relocate to a safer place, so are forced to stay whefre they are. Also if they have their whole family in one place then they will not want to move away from them. Some people that live in LEDCs own a living through farming. This would mean that if they left they would cut off their income and not be able to survive.Anouther reason is that people dont think that anything bad is going to happen and so will not leave a hazardous area because they think nothing will happen to them.
People living in MEDCs may not leave a hazardous area because they think that their house is really good and could withsand anything. Also they may have friends near by and will not want to leave them. Another reason could be that they have a good job and insurance so if anything does happen then they will be covered and so dont worry about it.
Eleanor Barton 10W
People still choose to live in hazardous areas for many reasons.
In LEDCs people still live there because even if they wanted to leave, they wouldn't have the money to leave it's far too expensive for them to leave just because of some danger zones. They also may stay because they have a farm, which will be their only source of income, meaning they won’t want to leave this land and they also may not move because they don’t occur a lot so they just wait it out when a hazard occours.
At volcanoes, in both LEDC's and MEDC's people still live there for many reasons, some of them are:
- The volcanic soils are highly fertile meaning that you can have good land for farming meaning people would want to stay to work the land.
- The heat from volcanic areas can be tapped, for example in Iceland they use it to create power and to heat homes. However in LEDC’s it is unlikely that they will be unable to tap into this energy.
- Volcanoes attract tourists, this would boost the local economy in the area meaning people would make more money and thus they would want to stay in that area.
In MEDC’s people choose not to leave because their friends and family live there as well and they don’t want to leave and this can link into the point of that their houses are disaster proof, meaning that even if an earthquake or tropical storm happened nothing bad would happen to the house structure. Another reason for this is because they’ve got good insurance, so if anything bad does happen they’ve got some backup and they’ll be covered so they won’t be left with nothing.
i think that people live in hazardous regions for the following reasons:
. people cannot leave their place of work
. They havent got enough capital to move anywhere
. all of the family live in the village also
. they will not expect a hazardous risk because there hasn't been one in ages
. All of the persons friends live there
. They might think that none will come and be overconfident
. They may think that their house is ok and secure when it isn't
. They might have a good house and a good job & they may want to stay
There is also fertile soil from volcanic activity
Jack Medley 10B
i think that people will still live in haderaus reagons because they will have family and friends. thwey migh alsohave very good jobs that they dont want to give up. they might not have any money to move anywere else so they will have to stay there to earn money so eventually they might be able to move there.
chris jerome
People live in a place where there natural hazards occur a lot becasue there might be fertile land there for farmers to grow crops. Also Some people may nnot have enough money to go somewhere else and maybe all their family live near them. also some peole may have insurance on their hoiuse so they don't mind if an earthquake comes. also there might be useful raw materiald there for people to build like wood and clay
Bakhtawer 10 a
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