Ideology has several different meaning and is used in a variety of ways by different scholars. Karl Mannheim distinguishes between ideological thought and utopian thought, both of which distort reality. Please comment on how each of these distorts reality and how these concepts could be linked with Marxism.
ideology distorts reality as people accept other peoples ideologies which change how they view what their life is really like, fior example in marxism ideology of the borguesee stops the prolariteriat from seeing they are being explioted
utopian ideas are also distortion of reality as the utopian view stops the prolariteriat from acknowledging their exploitation
James "gharoovy" ghafoor
Ideological thought is a reflection of the thoughts held by the priviledged; their thoughts justify their position in society, and favour the hierarchy system.
In terms of Marxism and ideological thought; the bourgeoisie have their ideology which is transmitted to everyone in society creating a false and maybe dual consciouness. This distorts reality as it shows that their ideology is taken into account by everyone; distorting own views and creating a biased reality based on the maintainance of the capiltalist system.
On the other hand utopian thought is reflective of the underpriviledge's thoughts and interests. It offers an alternate vision to society in comparison to ideological thought.
Utopian Marxist thought could be seen as hegemony; the proletariat take on board the ideological thought of the bourgeoisie but also hold their own ideas of society. They have a dual consciousness of both ideological and own thought. This thought is also a distortion of reality as the proletariat are still not clear about their exploitation.
Mannheim sees both ideologies (ideological and utopian thought) as representing only one social group's interests.
In Marxism's framework the two social groups are a. the minority ruling class who want to retain their wealth and power, and b. the majority subject class who want to upheave the social inequality that oppresses them.
Mannheim sees both trains of thought distorting the nature of reality as they only represent the views and desires of one group, meaning they are very subjective and one-sided.
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