Year 13 are currently studying the topic Bridging the development gap, we have covered areas such as the causes, consequences and way's to reduce the gap. The future is bleak for many poor people unless the key players make difficult decisions to improve the lives of the poorest people. Who are the key players that could make these decisions?
For the lives of the poorest people to be improved, I believe that different keyplayers should co-operate and work together to make decisions.
The two main keyplayers which I think would have the most successful outcome with working as part of a team are Governments and TNC's. Not only would this benefit the people, but the keyplayers.
If governments work to attract TNC's to their country,a series of multiplier effects could occur helping to solve some of the country's problems.
A new company opening in a deprived area will not only provide jobs once opened, but will provide jobs whilst it is being built, bringing in new materials which could be sourced from the area through local suppliers. Also, as trans-national corporations are often from a rich developed country this could help to build relations between the countries, and exporting the goods and products could bring even more money to the economy benefitting the people.
Sarah Plumb 13SD
Local/ National Governments
World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Trans National Corporations
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