
Wednesday 9 February 2011

RE Month

March will see the national month of celebrating RE. RE teachers at Dixons are keen to know what you like about RE and what questions you would like to think about in RE lessons. Watch the video clip below to see and send a post saying what you like about RE and any questions you would like us to build into your lessons. Please remember to put your name and form.

Many thanks - Mr Davies


Anonymous said...

i think r e is fun because we learn lots of things about other people
dylan matejak

Erica said...

What I like about RE is that you can see other peoples religions and how much it matters to them and learn about their storys that first started their religion and learn about different gods and how they celabrate the life and death on earth.

Anonymous said...

RE is good because you can find out about other peoples believes
Callum 7C

W Davies said...

Thankyou for your comments so far - we are pleased that you like RE and are learning about new beliefs. We are always very impressed with students work in RE at Dixons City Academy. Mr Davies

Beckham said...

Re is good because we learn about differnt religions and see how they live and work.And how much it matters to them and learn about their storys.

humairaa haider 7c said...

what i like about r.e is that it is different and you get to see how close people are to their religion and also the pilgrimage destination
by humairaa haider 7c

Arooj said...

i think R.E is very intereasting and we learn a lot of things.
one of the best things in R.E is learning about diffrent cultures.

I think we should do power learning in R.E.

junaid said...

i think it is kinda fun and interesting but I like to do more activities

Anonymous said...

i think r e is fun and we learn lots of things.


Anonymous said...

it is interesting and we learn different things and words.

Anonymous said...

it is interesting and we learn different things and words.


Anonymous said...

RE has to be one of the most interesting and enjoyable subjects to learn and understand.

The aspect of the course from Years 7 to Year 9 helps students to learn about the different religions that exist in the world today. The fact that this is covered in the course helps with the multicultural and equal ethos Dixons advocates for.

The aspect of the course for GCSE helps students to learn more in depth on two major world religions (Islam and Christianity). The high level of teaching quality within the department is absolutely magnificant. The GCSE specification is most delightful as it covers a range of topics such as key beliefs and life after death. In terms of the format of the GCSE RE examination, it is really straightforward and easy to follow. I really enjoyed GCSE RE and pre GCSE RE.

Taking RE at A LEVEL has to be the best decision I have ever made. The specification covers such a broad range of topics which are all very interesting to learn and engage in. The AS specification is really straightforward and simple. the A2 specification is harder in some areas, however the philosophy section just builds upon what we learnt in AS.

With the high level of teaching and quality within the department, I am not suprised students every year achieve top grades in RE (GCSE and A Level) as it is a very well tought subject. The resources available in the department are amazing - the new HP laptops/Playdo/Lego/Video Recorders...

Regarding the video, it has made me think about the world we live in. I am asking my self questions like

1)'How can we be sure there is a God?'
2)We cant see God?
3)Where can God be if He is not in our Universe?

I am very intrigued into cosmology and makes me think if religion is the right way to go...

To reiterate, RE at DCA is a well tought subject, thoroughly enjoyable to learn and the knowledge gained is extemely beneficial in the long term.

A Level Student (RE - Tues/Thurs)

Anonymous said...

i think re is good because in my primary school we only learnt about christianity wich wasd very boring but here theres different religeons that we learn about wich dosent get boring

jon henderson

19han said...

i like RE because i learn about what other peoples religions are and learn their rules.
Hannah Bussingham 7C

19han said...

i like RE because i get to learn about other peoples religions
Hannah bussingham 7c

Anonymous said...

The thing I like about r.e is the cultural things you can learn about in each religion also how the religions celebrate their religions . Humairaa Haider 7C

Areeb said...

I think R.E is amazing because you learn about different cultures and see what differences other cultures have to our cultures. R.E is inspiring and R.E teaches us all what other people do and why they do it
Areeb Hassan 7C

Arooj said...

I think R.E is very interesting and i like learning about diffrent cultures. My faveorite thing about R.E is getting to know different beliefs and religions.

One thing the humanities department could improve on is doing some more practical work rather than just sitting and writing.

Anonymous said...

Can't quite spot any other way to contact on here, however I'm the creator of this video and thanks so much for including it in this post.

The reason I'm posting, however, is to say how fantastic this blog is and I very much admire how you're getting student's involved with RE.



Anonymous said...

i dont belive in a religon becouse sience has proved it wrong
george williams

Anonymous said...

i like re becouse i lean about different things
george williams 7c

Zainab said...

I think RE is fun because you get to learn about other peoples religions.

Anonymous said...

RE is good because it let's you look at things from different points of views. It also let's you think about what other people think.

Amber said...

I like RE because you get to see how other religions celebrate different times of the year. You also get to find out how they celebrate and why.But also fantastic teachers that teach you RE (thats you miss moore!!!!)give you the opportunity to learn in different ways such as tasting the food that they eat, group work,making presentations about certain religions and lots more!!Thanks for giving me all those opportunity's miss!!!

Amber Watson

Amber said...

I like RE because you get to see how other religions celebrate different times of the year. You also get to find out how they celebrate and why.But also fantastic teachers that teach you RE (thats you miss moore!!!!)give you the opportunity to learn in different ways such as tasting the food that they eat, group work,making presentations about certain religions and lots more!!Thanks for giving me all those opportunity's miss!!!

Amber Watson

Anonymous said...

I think RE is good because it lets you explore other peoples ways of life. It also let's youlearn about other people

Yacoob Ahmed 7C

W Davies said...

Thanks for these you as always really impress me. A very thoughtful post from the Post 16 student and very much welcomed by the department.

Mr Davies

Anonymous said...

I enjoy RE because it broadens your mind to other religious and cultural beliefs. The philosophy unit is also very interesting, and I like the fact there is a lot of opportunity for debate and discussion. I think the new AS unit of Islamic ethics will be extremely interesting, particularly learning ethics from the point of view of a specific religion.