
Tuesday 15 March 2011

Year 9- Rainforest presentations

Year 9 Geography students have been working in groups to produce a presentation about one aspect of the Rainforest.
Having seen each presentation your class should have chosen a winner. Can you comment on what you liked about the winning group.


Anonymous said...

Mehwish Hussain 9C

Group 4 won because the information was very clear and relevant to their topic area. They had a really good interaction with the audience (role play & products game). All people in the group took part and made they presentation very interesting. However, i think that some poeple in the group weren't talking loud enough so that could be something they could improve on :)

Anonymous said...

i think the winning group won because they had a brilliant role play from Nomaan and Tashbeeb. also they gave not to much infor mation or to less and if they didn't have that it would be the worst presentation ever, but they had the right amount of information. also they gave food supply that came from the rainforest which was really good because some of them smely horrible and some smelt nice.
They gave intresting fact that student in our class didn't know.
Overal there presentaion was excellent, entertaining and enjoyable to watch.

By Talhah Butt 9c

madeeha said...

madeeha ahmed 9c
our group won!
this was because we included a variety of activities which included the audience.This made the presentation more fun and interactive

Anonymous said...

I was in group 4 and our group won! I think people voted for us becuase we had a well structured presentation. We got the audience involved lots becuase we did fun but factual activities with them. We had lots of interesting information that we gave in an entertaining way with props to the audience.

Iqrah Khan - 9C

Unknown said...

Our group won because we had solid facts and interacted with audience alot. Tashbbeb Sakeb 9C

Unknown said...

bilal khan 9c winning group 4

they were good and especially nomaan and tashbeeb drama act :)

Anonymous said...

Group 4 won because it was really clear and nicley presented. The information was really good and the way they interacted with the audience was really good.

Bilal Khan-9C

Anonymous said...

Aqeeb Akram

I think that the winnning group was Alysha's group- Alysha, Farhan, Marya and Abubakar because they entertained the audience and they had a good ina and also they gave us information by giving us a question and an answer so a target for them is to explain in more depth, but overall it was a very good Presentation.

Anonymous said...

I liked how they brought in products to make it eisier for people to understand rather than just talking about the products.
Rebecca 9c

Thomas Kurian said...

Group 2 had a good presentation becasue they used their use of research to create something that didn't look like a presentation that gives facts about the rainforest, but they still gave facts that were good.

Thomas Kurian 9B

Bhumika Mistry 9C said...

I thought that the group that won the rainforest presentation did a great job. They had lots of facts, furthermore presented them in a way which did not bore the audience however still was enough for us to learn about the uses of the rainforest. They used different ways of presenting and also included audience interaction. However the best thing was that the presentation was fun.

Bhumika Mistry 9C

Anonymous said...

I think that group 4 won because they had lots of different information and they brought in different products and passed them around the class. Also the role plays were good and even though they had humour in them they got there point across and I learnt lots of information from it.
Rachel Knott 9C

Anonymous said...

Zakki Sarfaraz 9C

I think that group 4 did really well after I watched their prsentation. The reason I am saying this is because overall their presentation included good appropriate facts+Information, they had a good roleplay which was done by Nomaan and Tashbeeb and also the rest of the group contributed really whilst saying and explaining things about the subject that they were doing. Plus they had a good game!

Zakki Sarfaraz

Anonymous said...

group 4 won because their presentation skills were good and they included some activities which involoved the rest of the class

Anonymous said...

group 4 won because they had good presentation skills. they included activities that involved the crowd

ismail rehman 9c

Anonymous said...

I think that group won because they had just the right amount of infomation so didn't talk for too long snd they did a good role play.
It was interesting and entertaining.
chloe linegar 9c

Anonymous said...

Haaniya Jahangir 9C :)

I thought that the presentation was very good and interactive,i also liked the products they bought in to make it more interesting i think Olivia and Iqrah did really good by talking clear and knowing their information also Tashbeeb and Nomaans role play was good but some people could have gone over their work again.

Thyub ali 9B said...

Thyub Ali 9B

I think that group 2 was the best because they showed they message in a different way and it was also intteractive because they did a game show to present they information also everybody new what they were doing and know one got mixed up which also made it a good presentation

Anonymous said...

Beth Watson 9C

Group 4 won because all of their information was very clear and interesting and i also think they had the most interactive perentation and it was the most fun i think.

Maybe one little thing that would have pushed their group that little bit further could have been somepeople spoke a little bit more. But over all it was very good presentation.

Anonymous said...

We won because of our organised presentation and the fact that we had practised for every lesson we all knew what we were doing and we all agreed that me and tashbeeb would do something and the rest would do something.


Anonymous said...

I think that the winning group won because they did a role play which was different to what the other groups did. I think that they also won because they included a lot of information. An improvement for that group could be to interact with the audience more. Overall a very good presentation. :0)


Anonymous said...

Aron Worley 9C

Group 4 won because the information was clear and it was relevant to their topic. Also the presentation side of it was good because it interacted with the audiance

Anonymous said...

group 4 won because the info was very informative and they gave some good ways on how to interact.

Adam McDaid 9C

Anonymous said...

group 4 won becuse they gave good info and they where good.
Shafiur Rahman 9C

alysha :) said...

my group was group 2.
this was me (alysha), mohamed, farhan, jacob and marya.
i think that our group won because w had a clear ideo of what we were doing and put across something to the audiance that was fun and also understandable
thanks for voting people
:) (:

Anonymous said...

i think the winning group won due to the fact they had interesting + solid facts and interacted with the audience like no other group did.

Oliver Stone 9B

Anonymous said...

I think that the winning group won because they had very good presentation- it was had very creative presentation which made the facts easier to remember. The facts were also given as quiz answers, which also made them easier to remember. Overall, I gave the group 9/10, because I thought it would have beem good if they could somehow include some images of the animals they were talking about. Overall very good :)

By Anna Greenwood 9B

Anonymous said...

i thaught that the group that won, won because the idea for there presentation was really good because they stayed in charecter and within thta presentation they had some really good points on the rainforest. some people stayed in character more than others.

eleanor cooke 9B

Anonymous said...

Rebekah Hudson 9B
i thought this was good because they had good detailed facts and made a very good and interesting presentation.

Marya Baig 9B said...

I think group 6 were the best because there was a lot of new info to be learnt and it was well rehearsed. You could hear everything clearly and there was no mumbling when they were speaking.

Anonymous said...

the winning group was group 2. I think this because they had a lot of detailed infomation/facts about the rainforest. Also, their presentation was given very good and everyone knew what they were doing.
aiysha khan 9b

Anonymous said...

group 4 won beacuse they used a variety of activities which kept the audience entertained and interested

beth watson 9c

Anonymous said...

Annie Hannam Pearson 9C

i think that group 4 won because their presentation was very engaging because they had lots of activities which were interactive such as the role play and the game with the products. Everyone took part however not everyone did as much as each other so an area for improvement would be to get everyone more involved.