Last week year 7 students took part in the 'Council of Beings' after learning about the 1986 Assissi declarations when leaders of world's major religions gathered to put forward their views on the environment and discuss how best to manage growing concerns over the welfare of our planet.
The year 7 students discussed the environmental problems faced by different animals and plants and what could be done to help protect them. Reflecting on last week's session, students should now give a brief explanation of which aspect of creation they feel needs to most help and why. They should also try to give some suggestions about what we as pupils and teachers of Dixons City Academy can do to help protect out world.
i think it should be the polar bear because its dying relating to ice acps as there is no more land left for it to live on.
Hamza Ishaq 7A
In my opinion it should be the bush and green life as they are the producers of the main food chain and without them it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to live. They also supply the oxygen that us humans and animals need. We can recycle to help this.
Jamal Cheeeeema 7a
i think we should help the polar bears because after last weeks lesson
Inam Haider 7a
I think that all animals in arctic regions should be saved because their habitats are melting away. It's not fair towards them!!! It saving the Arctic animals can also help humans. Global warming can reduce, less ice is melting and there is less chance of sea levels rising and countries ending up underwater!!
Bethany Gregory 7a
I thought it was interesting listing to other people tell us why they should help their animals.
Charlotte Harris 7A
Icra Gull
I think that the lions and tigers should be helped the most as they are on the verge of extintion as we are using their fur for clothes which should be illegal because if someone did that to you that would'nt be kind.
I think we can help by looking after our cats species and caring for them.
i think we should help the panda because its home is getting destroied by people and they die
jack mann
In the council of beings i voted for the bush. i think the bush should be looked after because people hurt the bush kicking footballs inot them and cutting them. People should take care of what people are doing to this planet by recycling and walk instead of using the car.
Ronan Lad 7A
The bush because it is more improtnat then any body else because it give us air and helps hedges.
The Bush was a good choice and luke presented a great argument and it helps other animals such as hedgehogs and squirels. I personaly opted to represent a parrot as they are becoming endangered because their natural habitat is being destroyed.
It would be hard to help all species and life but some are becoming extinct. All animals should be savd but plant life is the most important because they give us oxygen and food. Without them the human race would be destroyed.
I think we should help cheaters because people are killing them just for their coats to us as rugs and coats i think this is wrong and i think we should help them.
I thought that this was very entertaining and it was a good idea because you got to see what different animals needed help and what you could do ot help. I did a cow and it is an animal you don't think of needing to help but they are being blamed for global warming, if the average temperature continues to rise, there food, grass, will dry out and die. They need more help than we think and the council of beings helped people to realise that.
Kubra arshad 7A
I think that the bushes should be helped because if all of the bushes were cut down or being destroyed there would be less oxygen and more pollution which would kill us lot poeple eventually
we could help by recycling.
Sam 7A
After last weeks meeting with other beings, i think hedgehogs need the most attention because they are killed almost everyday. Most people kill hedehogs without even knowing. if people could just take time when driving, there will be less hedgehogs death.
Year7 students and teachers can help the world by raising the awareness of hedgehog deaths, maybe a poster or something like that could help the environment.
I think bushes should be saved because they act as a home for a wide range of species such as hedgehogs and tiny creatures. We could help the bushes by not littering them with things such as cans and packets of things and also not kick things such as football and rugby balls in them.
Luke Yates 7a.
hello everybody in the council of beings i was a lion and i wanted them to be protected and i voted for the tigers because they are nearly extint because people keep on killing them for their skin and the hunters kill them for some reson they can not fight with their hands so they use guns to kill them but the bush won bexcaause they get chopped and that will hurt animals that live their and they will die and be homeless that is why they won but i thought the lions should have won because i was representing them in the council of beings but the bush even has a reason of winning so they won fair and square by the other representative i think they had only 5 votes but was just about enough to win
In the council of the beings last week we voted that the bush needed the most help because the bush can help other species such as humans, birds and insects. I voted for the arctic fox because I thought they needed a lot of help because of the melting ice caps in the north polebecause it would also help other animals in the same habitat as the arctic fox such as polar bears. Even though the arctic fox didn't win I think it deserved to but the bush won fair and square because it had the most votes.
Alex Dalby 7A
i think that the bush and hedghog the help eveyone
charlie bentley 7a
In the council of beings I did mine about Dolphins. I think dolphins have not been treated like they should have been. They have been killed for no reasons. Like for e.g. Chinese people catch dolphins and sharks together just to get their fins and eat them then the rest of the body just gets thrown away. I think dolphins are lovely creatures from god and need to be treated as such. They need the help more than some of the animals.
hello everybody in the council of beings i was a lion and i wanted them to be protected and i voted for the tigers because they are nearly extint because people keep on killing them for their skin and the hunters kill them for some reson they can not fight with their hands so they use guns to kill them but the bush won bexcaause they get chopped and that will hurt animals that live their and they will die and be homeless that is why they won but i thought the lions should have won because i was representing them in the council of beings but the bush even has a reason of winning so they won fair and square by the other representative i think they had only 5 votes but was just about enough to win the council of beings but i wanted the lions to win the council beings because i was representing them in the council of beings by mohammed ali bahadur
last week some animals were at the council of being and they were talking about which animal needed the most help because of this global crisis going on in this world. Each animal or plant (bush) had a speech to tell us why they need help in the world insted of the other animals. After each animal had a vote the outcome was that the bush won. The reason why the bush won was becuase becuse the bush also help other animals becuase as you know the hedgehog lives in the bush and if the bushes are being destoyed that meens there is less habitats for the hedgehogs that means that there is a biger probabilitie that they will be killed.My opinain is that the artic fox should of won becuase they also helped other animals in there enviroment.
By vishal ram 7a thanks for reading.
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