In 1928 all women over 21 were given the vote. This gave them the same rights as men. Today over 50% of voters are women. What percentage of women are MPs today?
In 1979, Britain elected its first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. She claimed that, 'The battle for women's rights has largely been won'. Do you agree?
After both the First and Second World Wars, most women who had worked in men's jobs went back to their old jobs. By the 1960s women were becoming increasingly frustrated that top jobs were not open to them. The 'women's liberation movement' campaigned for change and helped persuade the government to pass laws making it illegal to pay women less than men for the same job (1970) and outlawing discrimination in jobs, housing and other areas (1975). Are there many women in top jobs today? Do women get paid the same?
The precentage of women being mps today are 24% becouse the general election has resulted in 142 women becoming MPs.
Maireen Khan 9x
I think women are treated the same as men because women are getting paid the same as men which also means they probably get treated well and women can be MPs which means that they could make laws up.
Umar Khan 9x
I think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be happy about where women are today because everyone has the right to vote and lots of women have important jobs such as MPs but back then all they did was stay in the house. The vote brought equality to women as they had a viwe on how britan was run and britan today is alot more equel because women gettin the chance to run for things like priminister and president.The precentage of women being mps today are 24% which means 142 women became MPs.I agree that the battel of womens right have mostly been won in Britain today.there are women in big jobs today e.g. MPs women trying for Presitent or even the queen.
Abbie Trevelyan 9X
i thibk women are treated the same as men because they are getting paid the same as men do the same jobs as men and a lot ore
Ther percentage of women being MP's today is 24% a which has resulted in 124 women MP's due to general election
I think that women today get treated fairly as it is around about 30% wmen mp's which is proof that it is a lot more fair than it was in the past
Adam McDaid
I think women have done well to earn the right today because of their protests they did. It may have taken longer than men to get the vote however they finally got the vote.
Ronan Lad 9A
Sylvia Pankhurst would be happy about how far women have come today because women are treated equally the same as men because they have the vote and they can work and do the same jobs as men, and get paid the same amount. Also many women today are quite powerful and are involved in politics and lots of them are MPs.
Iqrah Khan 9C
I think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be pleased with how women are treated today as now all women have the vote when in her time only women over the age of 30 could vote so womens equality has gone up, also we are allowed to do more things such as jobs which men would do.
Katie-Leigh Holmes 9c =]
I think that women are not treated entirly equal in todays day and age, as many women are paid less then men, however that gap is slowly closing. I think that Sylvia Pankhusrt would be content with the wayt women are treated today,although i do think that she would tell women to stand up and say that we should be paid the same amount of money, but after that i think that women would be equal.
Icra Gull 9A
i think that women now have equal rights as men and they all have a right to vote also there are even women as MPS roughly about 140 are MPS and now they can also make laws for women and men.
I think that women are treated the same as men, todayb in the 21st century but i think that the majority of e.g. mp's there are or prime ministers there have been, there are more women so they arent treated as equally as the could be but if Sylvia Pankhurst was alive now, she would be extremely happy about how women are treated because all she did was protest for women's vote and we have finally achieved that.
Zahrah Rehman 9X
I think that eventhough women have the vote and are able to do almost anything and everything that mea=n do, in the minds of society, they are still seen as fragile beins that need to be protected. Even till today, women are paid less than men, whether highly skilled with knowledge or not, there is still a pay gap between the two genders. I think both the Suffragettes ans Suffragists would be proud of how far women have come but the race isn't over.
I think women are treated as equally as men today. The fact that women can now vote and be MP's shows this. Plus there has been a woman primeminister so in the end women really did win the right to vote. So I think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be proud of the rights that women have today.
George Mulheron 9A
I think that women and men aer treated the same today becuase Now that women can vote and become mps shows this. Also a lot Big mps today are women so that shows that women are treated the same as men.
By Vishal Ram 9A
I think women today are getting treadted the same as men because they are getting paid the same and they have got the same jobs as men.
Adeel Al-Rehman 9A
I think Sylvia Pankhurst would be happy about how women are treated today, because women have the right to vote and are treated equally to men. We also have women MP's. In other countries women aren't treated equally and can't get as good jobs as men like in China, where only men can be chefs and women have to be waitresses. But in England women have equal jobs as men and they can be surgeons, MPs e.t.c In England now all women can vote over the age of 18 and if they aren't in prison. I agree that women's battle has been won because now there are laws saying that men & women have to be treated the same.
Lucy Allinson 9x
I think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be pleased with the women on were they have earned there vote becuase it took men so long to get there vote but it didn't take that long for the women and also woman are treated equally like men by earning money, getting any jobs they can get and can have the right to vote. i belive that women are powerfull, involved in things and are most MPs. The percentage of women becoming MPs are 24% which reasults to 142 women becoming MPs.So i think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be cheering in hear grave.
Name:Talhah Butt
By letting women get the vote has changed the world because a lot of them have got amazing jobs some are mp docters so by letting them get the vote has been benificial and they are now getting treated the same as men because they get paid the same wages
mohammed ali bahadur 9a
i think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be pleased with how women are treated now because they are allowed to do a lot more things like jobs and all woman get the vote which is the same as men and they have also become quite powerful in politics which wouldnt have happened before.
Annie Hannam Pearson 9c
I do agree with Margret Thatcher's speech, however not fully, because women have gained their rights throughout the years after the suffragettes/ suffragists made their point to the government during the war and after. They showed that they can do what men do equally as good or even better. However, some women still have to battle nowadays and during that period of time for their rights. For example: the women in China still have a lower pay than the men do. Also some people still think that women are not equal to men both mentally and physically even though they are close enough to both being equal. The people who think this are mainly from the developing countries, which do not have the facilities we have in England. E.g. Africa, India… So, overall I think the battle should go on and is yet to be won.
Bhumika Mistry 9C
I think that women are now in a equal position as men if not treated better.
Women also have equal rights to men.
Matthew Cadman 9C
I dont think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be disapointed with the position of women in society today becuase they have as many rights as men, and in Britan they are definetly taken as equals.
So to answer another question I think thatw omen are treatred equally today in britain.
Angus Parkin 9X
I think that women were and weren't treated equally. I think that they were treated equally, because in the end they got the vote, but they didn't get the vote, for the reason they wanted the vote. They got it for doing all the men's jobs whilst they were at war.I also think that they weren't treated equally, because once they recieved the vote, women weren't allowed to vote, until the age of 30, which I think is unfair, because men got the vote at a more younger age, 21.
Nikhita Parsotam 9a
I think women are treated well today because all men and women have the vote, and they get paid the same as men. Women can do the same jobs as men e.g they can become doctors,lawyers,plumbers and MPs.
i think that women are treated equally today they vote at the same age. They get the to vote freely. the are not called household wife's any more, husbands do not get power over them and there also is quite some people women MPS today but then there was only men that were MPS.
Nikhil Gandhi 9x
I don't think Sylvia Pankhurst would have been completely happy with the way women are treated, they have the vote, but there are 76% less women MP's than men. Also women get less pay than men. I think that when Margaret Thatcher said 'The battle for women's rights has largely been won' she was wrong because women get less pay and are less MP's. Also women get more maternity time off, this makes me think that people think women must spend time at home and look after their child, but men don't have as much time, I think it is unfair because women don't get paid their full wage while they are on maternity leave. It also isn't fair that if you get pregnant before working for your employer for 26 weeks then you don't receive much money. I don't think it is fair that women get paid less than men, women do the same amount of work as men, but don't get paid the same, but it is good that women can be MP's and vote, but I think more Mp's should be women and women should have more seats in the House of Commons
Victoria Kitching 9x
I think that women are treated equally as everyone should be. The protests helped them get the vote. Women are also getting better jobs like becoming MPs and in one case a PM. They are also getting paid as much as men. Also, another example that women are equal - The Queen
Alex Dalby 9A
i think women have done really well to get to where they are today because without the violent protest women wouldnt have the vote but also the peaceful protest so sylvia pankhurst would have been happy.
julie-marie waddington
I think woman do have equal rights to men, because nowadays you can find women doing manly jobs eg. Constructor or fighting in the army and they are now recognised for their work
Tashbeeb Sakeb 9c
I think Sylvia Panhurst will be prid of how far women have come today, eventhough women arent always treated equally, we have got all the same rights as men, but still women are undermined, like do you ever see a women taxi driver, or binman, becasue these are classified as mens jobs, even in todays society women are still undermined, we still have a long way to go, yet.
Saira Ali 9a
Before women were not treated the same as men, because the men had a basic stereotypical view of women. Now everything since time has changed the world has become a better place for women and men. And therefore the people from the past that wanted equality would be proud, including Slvia Pazankhursty
Nailah Khan 9a
Most women are treated equally today if not some women have more power then men do, sylvia pankhurst would be proud of the way women are treated, however in some places in england men are still thought of as the more superior sex. Recently on the news it has told us that men are getting paid more than women do for doing the same job, so women have been protesting about this, trying to get equall rights like Sylivia did.
Beth Watson 9C
I think women are treated the same as men today and Sylvia Pankhurst would be happy as women are now Mps and have a say in our community
-Jamal Cheema 9a
Most of the time they are but in some countries, women are still not viewed as equak to men. In our country, women are mp's and have as many good jobs as men.
Tai Lister 9A
I think women are treated as equally as men are nowadays. They get to vote, they get the same jobs as men and have very important jobs (MPs) and there aren't any laws that say men can beat women if they wish or that women must stay home and men can work. This is all due to Sylvia Pankhurst - she has got them these rights and so have the rest of the suffragettes and suffragists.
Amrita Sohal 9X
I think that Sylyvia Pankhurst would be happy with what she had done because women are treadted fairer and all women can vote. Also she would be happy because women are treted the same as men because the rights for all people means that everyone is treated the same.
Aron worley 9C
I think that sylvia pankhurst would be extreamly pleased with the amount of change that has been brought with 25% of women mp's and all women and men have the right to vote, i only think that shoe would be anoyed that women get payed slightly less than men and she would probebly campaign for that slight amount. i think she would also be pleased with the fact we had a woman prime minister
Jack Burge 9C
i think sylvia pankhurst i would be happy with the way women are treated to day because lots of the women are powerful and are MP'S.
I thnk no because women should have been allowed to be more involved in things to show what they were made up of.
By Zakki Sarfaraz 9C
I think women are treated equally now because women are now allowed to do the jobs that men did before women got the vote. Women can become MP's now and have other important jobs instead of just looking after the children all day and staying at home. Women also get payed the same as men and are a lot more equal in every day life. I agree in that most women are treated equally now.
Bethany Hey 9X
There are currently 505ish male mps and 165 female mps makes a big difference as women get the vote so why not they become mps
Nikhil Gandhi 9x
I think Sylvia Pankhurst will be happy about the progress made by women in society to date as they have most of the rights that men do except that their is a little pay gap between them. The percentage of women being MPs today is 24% which means women have as much of a say in laws and things to date. So, overall, I think that women are treated almost as equally as men to date.
Daniel Laban 9X
Yes and No because in this country women have freedom and most of the same rights as men but in other countries woman still are told to stay at home and get bossed around by there husbands, brother etc.
Joe Lofthouse 9x
I think that Sylvia Pankhurst would be extremely pleased about how fair and equal female rights are now. Women are now allowed to vote and have equal payments and jobs as men.
Kasi Mistry 9X
Now women are treated equally to men women and have good jobs that pay alot for instance (docters, dentists etc) where as before they and not right/ freedom for anything they did (e.g how to bring up their children, getting lcoked in their houses by their husbands and no rightful ownderhsip of their house/ land. Where as now women can be independent, they share and follow the smae law as men and they get the same punishments. Nowdays men and women are treated extremely fairly and sylvia and ehr sister would be very happy about this!
Mohammed Riasat
I think women are treated well today because all men and women have the vote, and they get paid the same as men. Women can do the same jobs as men e.g they can become doctors,lawyers,plumbers and MPs.
Charlotte Harris 9a
The militant tactics helped women get the vote because the prime minister was scared that the women was going to start breaking the windows again after the war had ended
By Arron Rodgers 9X
I think the women got the vote because of the militant tactics that was used like arson, protesting, hunger strike etc ...
but the main reason was because after the war the mp's were scared that if they dont give women the vote the voilence would start agian
By Kieren rhodes 9x
I think women are treated the same as men are because they get the same treatment and also get good jobs which back in the olden days men thaught they should not have.
Luke Yates 9a x
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