
Tuesday 25 January 2011

DAA Year 10 - Ancient Roman Medicine

Welcome DAA students to Hums Learning Hub!

Well done Year 10 on completing your GCSE exam. We are now back to studying Ancient Medicine - and Ancient Rome. We have considered the changes and continuations from Greek medicine already - your homework project is to research a key figure in Roman medicine, Cladius Galen.

Your Homework Project By Wednesday 2nd Feb:

You need to create a piece of research on Claudius Galen. This can be a PowerPoint presentation, a leaflet, poster, web page, or anything else you can think of!

You need to include:
  • Who was Galen?
  • When was he born?
  • Where was he born?
  • An image of Galen
  • Primary source information related to Galen's work
  • What were his methods?
  • How did he influence medicine?
  • How important was his work?

Some Useful Links:

For creating a web page:

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